
Running a Pilates Studio in 2021- A Year in Review
2020 was a year like no other. With multiple lockdowns, our studio was closed for a total of 5 months last year. I am so happy to say we are finally back and stronger and safer than ever!

A Tribute to My Mother
When I considered whether or not I would add this personal post to my website blog, I thought, maybe this isn’t an appropriate platform to be sharing such a personal experience. I also wondered if this would fit with the health and wellness themes of most of my posts. After thoughtful consideration, I realized this post is very much about Wellness. It’s about knowing and living right action and honouring Truth.

Pilates Post-Pregnancy
I am a little over 2 and a half years post baby and only just now regaining the strength, support and stability I once had in my core. With this post, I want to share about Pilates as a form of rehabilitation. But I feel it’s more valuable to be vulnerable and truthful about my own personal experience (rather than just referring to expert opinion, science-backed ‘facts’, and peer-reviewed discoveries.)

What’s the Difference Between Pilates and Yoga?
As a long time teacher of Pilates, I’m surprised by the number of people who still ask me, “How’s your Yoga Studio going?”. When I remind them that I teach Pilates (I have never taught Yoga), the next question is often “What’s the difference?” While it’s true that there are similarities between Pilates and Yoga, there are also differences between the two. Understanding these differences will help you make choices toward fulfilling your needs and goals in personal health.

7 things to consider before doing Pilates at home
With the emergence of YouTube, Amazon and online video, it’s easier than ever to get instruction on just about anything from the comfort of home. Video instruction is the perfect solution for some things, but when it comes to physical exercise it’s crucial to have good form in order to avoid injury.

Profound Simplicities
With so many new opportunities to explore different forms of spiritual practice, it can be difficult to find the one that you have affinity with. I am fortunate to have a found a spiritual teacher and practice that I fully resonate with – to the point where I myself have become a teacher.